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Trailer Yang Style/Yue Substyle Taijiquan: Postures and Simple Movements Program

Yang Style/Yue Substyle Taijiquan: Postures and Simple Movements Program

  • 52 Weeks
  • 66 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


Yang Style/Yue Substyle Taijiquan: Postures and Simple Movements The Taijiquan practice we do derives from two main sources: the Yue Huanzhi lineage and the Tian Zhaolin lineage. Both Yue and Tian were teaching Taijiquan in Shanghai till about 1960 and helped to develop the so-called “Shanghai Style Taijiquan”. Our weapon training comes from Tian Zhaolin and the open hand techniques from Yue Huanzhi. Dr. Fu Qinglong, a Taoist alchemist, doctor, and martial arts expert studied with both masters and transmitted their teachings in person to Prof. dr. Dan KJ Vercammen. In this course we teach you the postures and simple movements of Yue Style Taijiquan, which is in fact Yang Style Taijiquan with a difference. Before studying sets of movements you should first learn to develop Qi and fluids circulations, Jin (Taiji-energies), Yi (focus), and “Shen” (this refers to the use of subtle Qi for alchemical purposes). If you don't practice this way chances are that you'll never have a good foundation. The best way to realize this foundation is by practicing the postures. That way you'll also be able to stand (and later move) correctly and effectively. IMPORTANT NOTICE: YOU NEED TO SUBSCRIBE & PAY BY PROGRAMS!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




Yang Style/Yue Substyle Taijiquan, €300.00

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