Yang Style/Yue Substyle Taijiquan
Unlock your path to mastery with our Yang Style/Yue Substyle Taijiquan program. Access expert-led videos and courses, tailored for your Taoist journey.
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All our programs are supported by two pillars:
● Explore Classical Chinese philosophy
● Learn about Taoist health science
● Understand the Taoist perspective on the body
● Immerse yourself in Taoist culture
● Grasp the theories behind Taoist practices
● Experience Taoist health practices (Qigong)
● Discover how Taoist meditation promotes relaxation
● Engage in internal martial arts
● Embrace the Taoist way of living
● Delve into Taoist internal alchemy (Neidan practices)
Our teachings draw from three essential sources:
Taoist Internal Alchemy
Some of the famous ancient Chinese bronzes actually show xian (so-called immortals) themes. The early writers on the subject who were also xian admirers (such as Zhuangzi and Laozi), mention the kind of practices
associated with these people and the results and stages of these practices. They do not mention metallurgy, however. Clear evidence of the connection between metallurgy, alchemy, and xian culture can be found in later writings, such as the Baopuzi Neipian 抱朴子內篇 (Inner Chapters of the Master-Who-Embraces-Simplicity). In this work, Ge Hong writes about jindan 金丹 (gold and cinnabar or golden cinnabar) and we can find recipes and methods to make gold and the immortality medicines.
Another famous writing containing valuable source material is the Zhouyi
Cantongqi 周易參同契 (Identifying the Three as One Following the book of Changes), a Taoist
writing on alchemy and cosmology. This and other writings make it obvious that the purpose of the alchemy was was not just making gold (and silver) but the elevation of the alchemist towards heavenly status, which exactly was what the xian were after. The Book of Changes was introduced not as a book on divination but as one on the internal changes of the alchemist's body and its
symbols became illustrations of the stages of these changes.
Taoist Culture
Chinese Philosophy
As a Chinese philosophy-religion Taoism is spread and transmitted by Taoists belonging to certain Taoist traditions, such as the Heavenly Masters or Tianshipai. The way Taoism is transmitted may differ, but every aspiring Taoist should become well-versed in the practices and the oral and written transmissions of the tradition (s)he wants to follow.
Our way comes from the Southeast of China and traces its origin with Zhang Boduan, a Taoist alchemist who lived 1,000 years ago. His influence on the development of later Taoist traditions was very strong and his revolutionary views on the practice and philosophy make it possible for us to thoroughly study Taoist Alchemical Culture.
Taoist Culture is a complex and vast subject to study and without expert guidance you can become lost. For this reason we offer several introductory and advanced courses on different aspects of Taoist Culture and on the influence of Taoism on Chinese culture in general: the Philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi, Taoist Alchemy, Authentic Taoist Medicine, Taoist elements in Martial Arts, etc. All are taught by leading Southern Taoist Alchemy authority Dr. Dan KJ Vercammen, a scholar, writer, and practitioner belonging to the Yinyang School of Jindan (Golden Cinnabar) Taoist Alchemy.
Internal Martial Arts
What we teach are the so-called Chinese Internal Martial Arts Taijiquan, Baguazhang and Shidaxing (also called Xinyiliuhequan).
Yang Style Taijiquan (Fist of the Great Ultimate) from the Dong Yingjie, Tian Zhaolin, and Yue Huanzhi
lineages are the subjects of our Taijiquan classes.
The Baguazhang (Eight Trigrams Palms) on our curriculum is mainly Liang Style with some Cheng Style. Dr. Dan KJ Vercammen started studying Baguazhang with Masters Li Ziming and Fu Qinglong in 1988. Baguazhang is well known for its circular and spiraling movements, combined with techniques that come from Northern Chinese boxing styles and from Shuaijiao (Chinese wrestling).
Shidaxing (Ten Great Forms) is the name for the Xinyiliuhequan (Six Co-ordinates Fist of Mind-Focus)
versions that are/were taught in Shanghai. Dr. Vercammen was the first Westerner to learn Shidaxing from 1985 onwards with Masters Zhou Minde and Fu Qinglong. Techniques based on the movements of ten
animals feature in Shidaxing. It is the oldest and “wildest” form of the Internal Martial Arts, dating back to the
17th century.
For significant transformation, there is the Taoist-Lifestyle Program!
We recommend a commitment of several years, during which you will progress through three stages:
1: the RU Level: Internalization
to fulfill the main requirements of the alchemical practice
to acquire the fundamental knowledge of Taoist Internal Alchemy and Taoist Philosophy
to be able to practice the exercises on your own
Introduction to the Philosophy of Change: fundamental principles and the Yijing symbols
Introduction to Taoist Alchemy and the Southern Tradition
Introduction to the Taoist Alchemical Body
Taoist Philosophy and Worldview: Daodejing/Laozi
Internal Practice/Dantian Practice: Donggong (movements) practices to enhance and concentrate the life force in the abdomen and lower back: Daoyin (Taoist health practices and soft stretching), Yuanqigong (Practice of the Primary Qi), and Neijiaquan (Internal Martial Arts); Jinggong (Quiet Meditative Practice); harmonizing the functions and circulations of the body; facilitating the circulation of the Qi
Introduction to Ming and Xing Practice: fundamental theory about the connection between the psycho-emotional (“mind”) and physical (“body”) functioning and practices to induce the unification of the governing of the body (Ming) and the personality (Xing)
Introduction to the Classical Chinese Language
Introduction to Jinggong/Quiet Practice
2: the QIAO & JIAO Level: Creating Apertures and Exchange
advanced alchemical practice with the goal of creating necessary apertures and exchange/circulations within one's own body
study of Taoist Alchemy of the Southern Tradition
to be able to practice the exercises and teach some of the subjects
Introduction to Chinese Philosophy
Advanced Study of the Taoist Alchemical Body: imagery and symbols; the charts of the body (a.o. the Neijingtu/Chart of the Internal Conduits and the Xiuzhentu/Chart of the Development of Authenticity)
Advanced Study of Southern Alchemical Terminology and Its Relationship with the Practice
Intensive Jinggong/Quiet Practice
Intensive Donggong/Moving Practice: Internal Martial Arts
Advanced Ming and Xing Practice
Taoist Philosophy and Worldview: Zhuangzi
Study of Classical Chinese Poetic Language
Study of the Relationship between Taoist Dietetics and Alchemy
3: the CHU Level: Externalization
advanced Southern alchemical practices with the goal of creating necessary apertures and exchange circulations with the world outside one's own body
advanced study of the information sources of the Southern Tradition
to be able to practice internal alchemy on a high level, live your life in a Taoist alchemical way, and teach advanced courses

What can you expect?
Taoist Internal Alchemy: practices & theory
Fundamental knowledge of Taoist Philosophy
Fundamental principles of the Philosophy of Change (Yijing)
Fundamental knowledge of the Taoist Alchemical Body
Internal practice & Dantian practice
Ming & Xing training
Quiet practice
Practice Internal Martial Arts
Classical Chinese language (optional)
Study Laozi/Daodejing & Zhuangzi
Study Classical Chinese Poetry (optional)
Relationship between Taoist Dietetics & Taoist Internal Alchemy
SPECIAL WRITTEN HANDOUTS (if it is offered with the program)
Montly payments are possible (not all programs)
Yearly payments are possible